La Cosecha CSA is a food access program that operates within the Agri-Cultura Network, a farmer owned cooperative located in the South Valley of Albuquerque. ACN aggregates, processes, and sells locally grown produce. The network consists of nine South Valley farms.
Our mission at La Cosecha is to ensure that low income South Valley and International District families have adequate and sustainable access to healthy and affordable locally grown food. We strive to provide quality nutritional education to our members. We are strengthening the local economy by providing a stable market for local farmers, and connecting them with families struggling with hunger and poor nutrition.
Our mission is to build infrastructure for local food growers to promote healthy food consumption, economic development, and decrease food insecurity in Albuquerque, NM. Agri-Cultura Network, is a farmer owned cooperative located in the South Valley of Albuquerque that aggregates, processes, and sells locally grown produce. The network consists of nine South Valley farms.
318 Isleta Blvd SW