Alameda County Community Food Bank's (ACCFB) Farm Fresh Produce Program purchases fresh produce at bargain rates, then distributes it through our network of 200 partner agencies throughout Alameda County. The program sources food directly from growers from farms in the San Francisco Bay Area, in the Central Valley, and as far away Arizona and Washington state. Usually these are second-tier fruits and vegetables—produce that is not cosmetically up to the standards of major retailers but that is otherwise healthy and tasty. This edible, nutritious produce would be turned back into the ground by farmers and growers, but instead is acquired by ACCFB and for distribution to low-income households, free of charge.
The mission of Alameda County Community Food Bank (ACCFB) is to passionately pursue a hunger-free community. We envision a future in which the children, adults and seniors of Alameda County do not worry about where their next meal is coming from. ACCFB serves one in five Alameda County residents.
7900 Edgewater Drive