The mission of AASTEC’s Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country Program is to honor tribal traditions and knowledge on the path to Native defined wellness through relationships, respect, compassion, and service for the LOVE of THE PEOPLE.
We aim to provide leadership, technical assistance, training, and resources to the 27 American Indian Tribes, Bands, Pueblos, and Nations within the IHS Administrative Area to promote community level changes that support health and wellness and prevent and manage type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke and their associated risk factors, such as commercial tobacco use, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diet. This initiative is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Established in September 2006, AASTEC’s mission is to collaborate with the 27 American Indian Tribes in the Albuquerque Area to provide high quality health research, surveillance and training to improve the quality of life of American Indians. AASTEC’s health priority areas were established in cooperation with our Executive Council and include: Behavioral Health Healthy Aging Injury Prevention Chronic Disease Prevention and Management
Tribal Resource
7001 Prospect Pl NE