STEM-oriented activities are offered to schools and other youth organizations. These activities include engaging age-appropriate talks (e.g., Twelve Principles Everyone Should Know About Their Brain, Concussion and Mental Health Awareness) and labs (e.g., sheep brain dissections, electrophysiology). A current emphasis has been beginning computer programming introducing youth to app development using Android phones and devices. During the 2016-17 school year, we were in 28 schools across northern and central New Mexico with over 2,800 youth participanting. In the first semester of the 2017-18 school year, we have introduced over 1,000 students to their first programming experiences. In May, we will conduct the Brain Hackers Game Jam which is a weekend competition with teams competing to create the best apps. We support schools throughout the region, but make an extra effort to support schools within rural communities, as well as girls and other groups that are underrepresented in STEM professions.