An educational and charitable non-profit organization dedicated to promoting literacy in Carlsbad and surrounding areas. Our free services include: One-to-one tutoring, Adult Basic Education classes, English as a Second Language classes, Citizenship education, GED preparation, Basic Computer Skills.
Provides for adults community members to acquire and improve their reading, writing and speaking abilities. Free tutoring by New Mexico Coalition for Literacy trained volunteers offers students one-on-one and small group tutoring in Reading, English as second language, Citizenship, and General Education (GED) preparation. Small group classes are also offered by NMSU-C Adult Basic Education Program in English as a Second Language and Math.
We are an organization of trained volunteers committed to advancing literacy and language in our community. Its purpose is exclusively to provide free quality instruction in reading proficiency, ESL skills, GED preparation, citizenship instruction and basic computer literacy.
511 N. 12th St.