The NMSU Department of Computer Science, along with the GK-12 DISSECT and iCREDITS Programs, host a two-week summer camp with the focus of bringing computational thinking and introducing smart grid technologies to area high school students.
CS Adventures is a day camp held on the NMSU campus Monday-Friday. The camp will host up to 30 high school students. Participants will be provided with lunch, materials and supplies, swag (such as shirts, bags, notepads, and pens), and a stipend. Camp instructors are NMSU GK12, iCREDITS, and YWiC graduate and undergraduate students.
The summer camps are tailored to achieve four major goals:
1) Build community among students through hands-on projects in computational thinking, smart grid information, and computing technologies;
2) Increase student’s interest in computational and smart grid technologies;
3) Gain knowledge and experience in introductory programming; &
4) Drastically increase all students’ confidence in programming, computational thinking, and smart grid technologies.
The NMSU Center for Smart Grid Technologies (aka: iCREDITS) is an NSF Center for Research Excellence, focusing on the development of the science of intelligent smart grid technologies. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to coordinate, connect, and nurture research, education, and outreach to make a local and global impact in the smart grids science and engineering workforce.
NMSU Science Hall, 1290 Frenger Mall