We brought Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to Otero County in April of 2011. Kids received their first books in August 2011. Since then we have mailed out over 84,000 books. We have roughly 1,100 kids registered each month – though it fluctuates as more children register and others graduate out of the program. Our monthly book bill is about $36,000 annually. To date, we graduated 1772 children from the program. Our local organization – Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Otero County -- is responsible for registering children, maintaining the database, and finding 100% of the funding for the program here in our community. We receive no funding from the Dollywood Foundation or Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. We have received donations from businesses, local civic organizations, and individuals – this along with fundraisers has completely funded our program. Our DPILOOC Board of Directors is small (seven), and we are all volunteers. We try to get any services we need donated so that we can proudly say 100% of donations go to buy books for the children of Otero County! In fact, over the last year, all money we have raised has gone directly to buy books.
VIsion Statement: We will strive to make quality literature available to all children from birth through their fifth birthday. In doing so, we aim to promote early childhood literacy and increased proficiency upon entry into the local educational system. The books will be given to the children absolutely free. The only obligation of the child’s family is to spend time reading together.
MIIssion Statement: Our Mission is to instill a love and appreciation of reading in every child, starting at birth.
2319 19th St