Earth Care's youth programming includes Youth Allies for Sustainability, coordination of the City's Youth Advisory Board to the Sustainable Santa Fe Commission, and Green Collar Jobs training at YouthWorks.Youth Allies is a multi-level civic engagement, leadership, and community organizing program providing opportunities for young people to discover their voices, act on their convictions for a more just and sustainable world, and realize their full potential as individuals, community members, and stewards of the earth.
The Youth Allies Leadership Institute is a partnership with Santa Fe Mountain Center and many other community-based organizations in northern New Mexico. To learn more about the Youth Allies Leadership Institute, Youth Allies Organizing Program, and the Youth Allies Network, visit
Earth Care also works with teachers to integrate sustainability education in their schools and across school districts. Our Sustainable Schools program includes:Teacher Institute for Sustainability Education and Service-Learning.
Earth Care's mission is to educate and empower youth to create healthy, just and sustainable communities.
6600 Valentine Way, Building A