FCCNM provides free services to those who are caring for an adult over the age of 18 with a chronic illness or serious condition. These include:
1) Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) is a six-week course offering self-care tools and coping strategies to better handle the specific challenges that caregivers face. PTC has received national awards and meets the highest-level criteria for evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion programs.
2) Support Groups offer understanding, validation, and acceptance. Groups provide compassionate and comforting spaces for family caregivers to connect with one another. All caregivers feel alone and isolated at times. Support groups provide connection with other caregivers.
3) Through Care Navigation, we provide individualized support to help caregivers access community resources to meet their specific needs. Our Care Navigators take the time to understand each caregiver’s situation, help brainstorm solutions, and create caregiving plans.
Family Caregiver Center of New Mexico (FCCNM) supports the well-being of family caregivers in New Mexico through the challenges of caring for those with chronic and disabling conditions.
PO Box 36735