We help in all steps of preparation of your document, from light to heavy editing of text to formatting according to journal-specific guidelines.
Our editors have collectively edited hundreds of thousands of pages of scientific and medical articles for submission to and publication in peer-reviewed journals. In addition, they have authored their own peer-reviewed articles which have been published in such high impact factor journals as Cell, Nature, and Science. Many continue to perform active research supported by their own grant-awarded funding and, as such, prefer to edit in anonymity.
Our editorial team includes experts in a wide range of scientific fields, including but not limited to: biophysics; cancer biology; endocrinology; genetics; genomics; immunology; microbiology; neurology; organogenesis; pharmacology; physiology; signaling
Filipodia specializes in discovering dynamic interfaces across fields and disciplines and establishing innovative and productive interactions among researchers across fields and across international boundaries. We accomplish our mission of cross-field outreach and collaboration through select hiring of PhD and MD level practicing professionals with extensive experience in science and medicine communication. Most importantly, we are unwavering in our dedication to ensuring and promoting research integrity and publication ethics.
707 E Palace Ave, Unit 6