PechaKucha celebrates the art of concise and fast-paced storytelling. This simple format consists of 20 slides x 20 seconds each, or a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds for each speaker. Images advance automatically as speakers share their presentations.
PechaKucha provides members of Santa Fe’s creative community an opportunity to share their work, stories, ideas, innovations, process and/or current obsessions in a casual, fun, and supportive setting. We invite all artists and designers, makers and innovators, musicians and composers, thinkers and writers to be a part of PechaKucha as an attendee, presenter, volunteer and/or sponsor.
We host this program quarterly. Each event is presented under a specific theme. We encourage our multidisciplinary presenter line-up to explore and push their interpretation of our theme. We provide full technical support from storytelling refinement, deck design, and recording help. Our volunteer team curates diverse voices and perspectives for each event. We help increase our presenters’ digital footprint by posting their presentations on the official PechaKucha global website.
PechaKucha Night is powered by Klein Dytham Architecture. Our city chapter is part of a global network of PechaKucha cities around the world. All uploaded presentations are viewable here
Friends of Architecture Santa Fe is a multidisciplinary working board, composed of architects and allied design professionals who are dedicated to advancing inclusive design dialogue about Santa Fe’s built environment. We are invested in cultivating a vibrant design culture and promoting the importance of beauty, critical thinking, vision, and creative play in ethical and intentional placemaking. Our current public programs, which include Design Charrettes, Lectures + Workshops, Architecture Tours, and PechaKucha, facilitate community connection, foster design awareness, and encourage civic engagement.
444 Galisteo Street