The Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad is a non-profit organization which shares with the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission the stewardship of this unique railroad property of important historic significance and remarkable scenic beauty. Programs include: * Education Outreach to area youth to reinforce math, science, history and language arts. * Works Sessions are held each summer to repair, restore and preserve historic rolling stock, historic buildings, and maintain the railyards * Collections committee gathers and manages documents, historic items, photos, for the sake of preservation and documenting the C&TSRR's history * Docents, who volunteer their time, interpret historic, geographic, and industrial features along the 64-mile route for train passengers. They also assist with the education program. * Railroad Visitor's Center and Master Interpretative Plan - a committee is working to define the interpretative features on the railroad and establish a museum and hands-on activity museum in Chama, NM
The Friends is a non-profit, tax-exempt membership organization dedicated to the historic preservation, restoration and interpretation of the C&TS as a living museum. Our mission is to preserve and interpret the railroad and to support its operation for the people of Colorado and New Mexico.
4421 McLeod Road NE, Suite F