Connect One to One, also known as Project PeacePal, is our main program involving an international student to student communication exchange using a unique one to one model. Based in school classrooms over the course of an academic year, students exchange hand written letters, art, Skype calls, and videos with a peer in a country across the globe. Students are led through a process that results in the kinds of new insights and deeper understanding that can only come through one to one connections.
Beginning with learning about the country and culture of their pen pal, participants learn valuable global competency skills including intercultural communication, greater empathy for those living in different cultures, critical thinking, and how to communicate clearly and effectively with others. These abilities prepare them to engage and collaborate in issues of global significance.
Global One to One prepares youth to be successful in the global marketplace by developing essential global competency skills such as cross-cultural understanding, inclusive communication, collaboration, and critical thinking through unique one-to-one international peer communication.
700 Lomas NE, Suite 204