Gordon Bernell Charter is a diploma-granting charter high school for adults of ALL ages. One campus is located at the Bernalillo County Detention Center (MDC), the other in downtown Albuquerque. It is a high school with a curriculum and an environment designed to accommodate adult students who have not been in school for a while. This includes inmates at MDC, Sandoval County Detention Center (SCDC), women at the NM Women's Recovery Academy (NMWRA), recently released inmates in the Community Custody Program, young adults (ages 16-24) learning a trade at Albuquerque Job Corps, as well as any other adults. All are welcome and there is no upper limit on age.
Our mission is to reduce recidivism, unemployment, poverty and crime by giving adult drop-outs an opportunity to finish their high school education in a small learning community designed for adults.
401 Roma NW