Health Leadership High School is a public school dedicated to hands-on, project-based learning through the lens of the health profession. Curriculum is designed around industry-focused projects, group learning, and student support. Students engage in collaborative work in a supportive, small school environment that values the overall well-being of our young people. We provide the tools and experience students need to become successful leaders in the health care industry. Join us today! Enroll at
The Mission of Health Leadership High School is to equip young people who are interested in the health industry with the skills they need to become leaders in developing healthier communities. This requires students to have a deep understanding of the social, economic, and physical conditions of our communities and the people who live there. We develop students as deep and complex thinkers, specifically serving young people who have limited means to have successful careers by caring for their intellectual, physical and emotional well-being as students
1900 Randolph Rd SE