Annual Youth Wellness Camp, in Vanderwagen, NM, on the Navajo Nation, addresses the Literacy Spheres of Cultural Literacy, (storytelling, singing, art); Intergenerational Trauma; Financial Literacy; Energy Literacy, (conservation and renewal energy); and Food Literacy, (healthy eating alternatives, planting food crops). Our Youth Wellness Camp shows participants how to utilize traditional knowledge, wisdom and ceremonies in their lives and interactions with others and the natural environment.The age-range of 2016 Youth Wellness Camp participants was three to ten years.
As an indigenous oriented organization, it is the mission of Indigenous Life Ways to provide education and facilitate opportunities for individuals and community groups as we work to create health, prosperity and capacity for ourselves, our families and our communities.
Toward accomplishing this mission, Indigenous Life Ways will utilize traditional knowledge, ceremonies and a deep understanding of our communities to:
Continue our Original Teachings and our Living Culture.
Protect our Sacred Sites and the Treaties made with Indigenous Communities. We network with and organize Tribes to: Record and archive our traditional language and knowledge; Address sacred sites under attack; and Monitor the status of Treaties and water rights.
Engage Proactively toward Climate Adaptation. We provide current data on how climate change impacts indigenous communities and facilitate proactive solutions.
Cultivate Green Pathways (Economic Development). We provide support to Indigenous organizations and individuals as they engage in and create economic opportunities based in conservation of resources, maximum utilization of renewable resources, sustainable food production and the creation of food and resource sharing networks.
Build Individual and Community Capacity from Within. We assist Dine Community groups to build their organizational infrastructure; Promote good governance through Traditional Knowledge; Provide Leadership Development training to individuals and community groups; and Expand opportunities for Indigenous women to participate in public life.
PO Box 5058