At the heart of our program is the Institute’s Summer Research Internship Program where students in grades 10-12 spend four weeks working with mentors in their chosen application of computing, which ranges anywhere from the natural sciences, to art and humanities, or the social sciences. Students are partnered with a mentor who guides them through a computational science project that they will then research, model, document, and present to the community. Students also attend guest lectures and collaborate with other community members in learning research skills. Student interns work a 35-hour work-week and receive an educational stipend.
The Institute for Computing in Research is a consortium of students, scientists, and educators in the Santa Fe area who work together in computational scientific research. The goal of our organization is to train students in research, computer programming, and computational thinking. We offer student workshops, teacher professional development, and guest lectures in the Santa Fe area.
2258 Calle de Arce