Our Youth Shakespeare Festival trains teens to speak Shakespeare, use a sword, dance a coranto, swear like an Elizabethan, fight like a villain, and drink from tankards and flagons.
Students also produce short scenes in a festival performance and in the process will develop skills in critical thinking, close reading, literary analysis, public speaking, voice, stage combat, and Shakespearean staging.
The International Shakespeare Center (ISC) is dedicated to making Santa Fe a destination for world-class Shakespeare. We support performances, provide education for people of all ages, and create opportunities for people to meet in community to read and discuss Shakespeare.
The ISC believes Santa Fe is able to sustain a permanent state-of-the-art Shakespeare center that includes a theater with an Elizabethan thrust stage, a black box theater, gift shop, lecture hall, community rooms, administrative offices, court yard, commons area, and even a tavern—a center that will draw not only our vibrant Shakespeare community in town, but tourists and theatrical artists from all over the world. It will also act as a focal point to elevate local talent and a training center to create a professional repertory company.
7 Sweet Swan Lane