Crisis Intervention: 24 hour 1st response to adults and child victims of sexual assault through phone or in person.Trained volunteer advocates execute this service after graduating from 40 hours of intensive training in sexual assault advocacy intervention. SANE Project: Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Project under go 52 hrs of additional training to be able to provide a medical exam, collects forensic evidence for identification and prosecution of the alleged perpetrator. Nurses also train to be expert witnesses in court. SANE services are provided to the victim at no charge to them. Counseling: Outpatient therapeutic counseling for sexual assault survivors is facilitated by Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors with extensive experience in sexual assault and trauma related issues. Community Education and Prevention: Responsive, flexible presentations and professional training concerning sexual assault issues and internet safety. These presentations are provided to Dona Ana County in English and Spanish using interactive activities, videos and power points. KIDTALK: is a warm line to provide a safe place for a child to reach out where someone will listen and offer non-judgmental unconditional support. This service empowers and provides resources for children to take control of their circumstances and have a role in overcoming their concerns.
Mission: The mission of La Pion is to provide a comprehensive array of services related to sexual assault and abuse to individuals, families and the community.
525 South Melendres