Family Infant and Toddler Brochure
- Author: New Mexico Department of Health
- Year: 2020
- Format: Written Document
The New Mexico Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program provides early intervention services and supports to families of children age birth to three who have or who are at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. Services are provided at no cost to families, using a combination of Medicaid, State General Funds, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) grant, and private health insurance. The FIT Program provides early intervention services in natural environments, such as the home or other community settings (child care, Early Head Start, etc.).
Early intervention services include support from a team of professionals including developmental specialists; speech, occupational and physical therapists; social workers; nutritionists; etc. The transdisciplinary team meets regularly to consult with each other and may conduct co-visits in
order to align strategies to meet the child’s and family’s outcomes.