Home Away From Home: A Toolkit for Planning Home Visiting Partnerships with Family, Friend, and Neighbor Caregivers
- Author: Johnson-Staub, Christine and Stephanie Schmit
- Year:
- Format: Written Document
Home Away from Home provides state policymakers and advocates with strategies for extending and expanding
access to state-funded or federally funded home visiting through partnerships with providers of Family,
Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) child care. The toolkit, produced by the Center for Law and Social Policy, includes
an overview of what home visiting partnerships with FFN providers may look like and the role of such
partnerships. It also contains a tool to walk through questions that may need to be answered as states develop
home visiting and FFN partnerships, as well as a discussion of potential policy changes that may need to be
considered and case studies of existing partnerships between home visiting models and FFN providers in
specific states and communities.