Markers that Matter: Success Indicators in Early Learning and Education
- Author: Hallie Preskill, Ph.D., Nathalie Jones and Afi Tengue
- Year:
- Format: Written Document
This report is the result of a multi-phased process to identify and vet a set of early childhood indicators
and emerging themes to support the early learning field. Our research focused on identifying a set of
early learning indicators and emerging themes that aim to support the variety of actors in this space by:
• Emphasizing a systems view of early childhood, where indicators reflect the various layers that
affect young children (such as families, education and care settings, and communities) and actors
that influence the range of domains that are part of “whole child†development from birth to age 8
• Addressing the critical and growing importance of issues of equity, as the population of young
children in the U.S. reflects increasingly diverse racial and cultural backgrounds
• Highlighting the role of indicators to serve as a common language and foster communication and
collaboration in a field that has been historically fragmented
The resulting indicators and emerging themes reflect a distillation of many existing efforts to define early
learning indicators. We began with interviews with 40 early childhood experts and conducted a literature
review in early learning and related fields. We then reviewed over 1,100 indicators from 11 existing
indicator sets, from which we synthesized and prioritized 48 indicators based on our analysis and expert
input. In addition to distilling these indicators, we identified gaps where new themes are emerging and
further research is needed to develop additional indicators, particularly in the area of racial and cultural