Opening Doors Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness
- Author: United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
- Year:
- Format: Written Document
One year has passed since the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) and its 19 member agencies
launched Opening Doors, the nation’s first-ever comprehensive strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness,
on June 22, 2010. Progress in implementing strategic plans has occurred across the United States—locally, in
states, and here in the federal government. While it is too soon to tell the full impact of Opening Doors’ first year,
evidence is emerging that local and state efforts supported by federal mainstream and targeted resources—when
coupled with partnerships with the private and nonprofit sectors—have made a significant difference. Such progress
can be found in Worcester, Massachusetts which has effectively ended chronic homelessness, as well as in Salt
Lake City, Utah where collaborative efforts have made significant progress on all types of homelessness. A growing
body of research further demonstrates that addressing chronic homelessness through permanent supportive housing
is cost effective.