South Valley Early Childhood System of Systems Plan
- Author: Frances Varella
- Year: 2016
- Format: Written Document
The South Valley Early Childhood System of Systems Developmental Alignment Plan was developed over a 6-week period under a contract with NM Children, Youth and Families Department and First Choice Community Healthcare (FCCH) in partnership with the South Valley Early Childhood Group (SVECG).
The title “Developmental Alignment Plan” reflects the developmental and evolving nature of the early childhood system of systems work that has taken place in the South Valley since 2013 and that will continue to grow and evolve over time. The plan reflected in this document is preliminary
in nature and will serve as a beginning guide for planning efforts over the next two years.
The plan reflects a commitment to ensure that South Valley young children and their families have knowledge of and access to all the supports and opportunities they need to thrive. This encompasses the goals articulated by the Early Childhood Accountability Partnership (ECAP), to
ensure “ready children, ready families, ready schools, and ready communities.” Families and young children are the center around which this system of systems is developed and which meets the child, their family and other caregivers where they are on a continuum from prenatal to third grade.
ensure “ready children, ready families, ready schools, and ready communities.” Families and young children are the center around which this system of systems is developed and which meets the child, their family and other caregivers where they are on a continuum from prenatal to third grade.