Native American Community Academy (NACA) is a free public charter school in Albuquerque for 6th to 12th grade students (currently serving up to 10th grade). Located in the Southeast Heights, NACA dedicated to Native American student success through a holistic approach to education, wellness, and culture. Close to 300 students are currently enrolled. The curricular framework includes state-based education standards for math, science, language arts, physical education, and social studies and are enhanced and supported through multiple programs: College Preparatory Programs Dual Credit College Program Athletics Program Language Program Native American Studies Visual and Media Arts Program Music Program Cultural Service Learning Programs Experiential Learning Programs Nutrition Program Eagle Behavioral Health Program Partnerships Programs: Southwest Youth Services Programs (SYS) AmeriCorps VISTA & AmeriCorps Center for Working Families University of New Mexico Student Based Health Center Institute for American Indian Arts Central New Mexico Community College University of New Mexico Public Allies Elev8 Americans for Indian Opportunity
NACA's mission is to engage students, educators, families, and community in creating a school that will prepare students to grow from adolescence to adulthood and begin strengthening communities by developing strong leaders who are academically prepared, secure in their identity, and healthy. Core elements include:
NACA educates students in K-2 and 6-12 (the elementary school is new as of August 2016, and it will continue to add a grade each year until NACA serves grades 6-12).
NACA is the flagship school of the NACA Inspired Schools Network (NISN), a school network dedicated to Indigenous education with schools in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and South Dakota.
Tribal Resource
1000 Indian School Rd. NW