In 2018 the New Mexico Actors Lab will present four plays in four months: MAY - The Gin Game bu D L Coburn; JUNE - Rapture, Blister, Burn by Gina Gianfriddo; JULY - Ages of the Moon by Sam Shepard; AUGUST - November by David Mamet. All performances are at Teatro Paraguas in DSanta Fe. Adult admission is $25, 18 and under $5. We will also offer four monthly Free Play Readings January to March..Season tickets to all four plays are available for $75. Tickets and information are available at our website,
The New Mexico Actors Lab is dedicated to creating consistently high-quality productions of significant plays that feature issues of social justice, plays that touch the heart and the mind. Our focus is on the work of the actor, and we are committed to the artistic development of a core ensemble of the best stage actors available in New Mexico. We have produced eleven plays in four years with an ever-growing audience base. In 2018 we sold 130 season tickets to our four-play season, and total attendance was 2.400 for our 2018 season.
1908 Meadow Court