Harm Reduction Supplies and Services, linkage to HCV and HIV testing, syringe service program and pick-up, legislative action involving Harm Reduction and paraphernalia laws, Hormone Replacement Therapy supplies, Overdose Prevention and Education, Narcan/Naloxone Trainings on-demand and peer support.
NMHRC promotes using an anti-stigma, community-based, Mutual Aid approach to Syringe Access Services, Overdose Prevention, and Referrals to resources in our community.
NMHRC is staffed by Certified Peer Support Workers, Community Health Workers, and other Comprehensive Community Support Workers. Everyone on staff has Lived Experience with using drugs, loving someone who uses drugs, or navigating the systems and resources needed when one is actively using or in recovery.
NMHRC promotes health equity through safer drug use, overdose prevention, and helping our participants and community members to take an active role in creation of policies, procedures, and activities within our organization and others throughout the community.
5500 Domingo Rd NE