State and local technical assistance, advocacy and policy development around school-based health care. Networking opportunities with experienced professionals. Technical assistance on a wide variety of school-based health care issues. Resources and updates posted on the NMASBHC website, in the monthly newsletter, and on facebook. Professional development in the essential skills of successful advocacy, marketing, community partnerships, and best practices for operations. Alerts to contact specific lawmakers before they make critical votes. Affiliate of the national School-Based Health Alliance. Materials SBHCs can use to promote Medicaid services. Directory of SBHCs in NM.
NMASBHC provides technical assistance and training to all NM SBHCs in the areas of opening and operating SBHCs including provision of comprehensive prevention and early intervention services, Medicaid credentialing and contracting, development of business plans and sustainability strategies, and integration with school and community health resources and programs. NMASBHC also educates and advocates for stable funding sources for SBHCs. NMASBHC works with all Medicaid Managed Care Organizations, among other partners, to meet its mission.
Directory of School-Based Health Centers available here.
NMASBHC Vision: The New Mexico Alliance for School-Based Health Care envisions healthy students who are ready to learn.
NMASBHC Mission: The New Mexico Alliance for School-Based Health Care represents school-based health centers in New Mexico and collaborates with other partners to promote, facilitate, and advocate for comprehensive, culturally competent, integrated health care, including health education, in schools.
NMASBHC Core Values: