NM MESA, Inc. is a pre-college program that prepares middle and high school students for college and careers in science, technology, engineering, and science (STEM) related fields. It does this by engaging them in year around programing that mentors them through all the multiple steps and skillsets needed to achieve in a STEM field of study and profession.
This mentoring begins in their early years of intellectual development so students can realize their interests and potentials, and then actualize career paths as STEM professionals. Since every individual student has their own set of needs and barriers, NM MESA uses multiple mentoring activities, methods, programs and partnerships to provide students a clear pathway and stable base for achievement.
Since 1982, the organization has conducted a longitudinal study that has allowed them to clearly document and evaluate student achievement with quantifiable data.
New Mexico Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement, Inc. (NM MESA) mission statement:
Empower and motivate New Mexico’s culturally diverse students with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) enrichment.
4700 Morris NE; TW Bldg. Suite 203