In one of the most innovative tribal housing projects in the country, the Ohkay Owingeh Housing Authority is working to raise $4 million in private sector funding to complete the Pueblo Preservation Project in the tribe's 700-year-old sacred core. Over the past 12 years , 42 families have moved back into their ancestral adobe homes on the plazas and 25 homes remain to be completed. The tribe made the decision to seek private funding in order to have more diverse, sustainable funding sources, to celebrate tribal self-determination, and to achieve greater equity. The project is rich with heart and humanity and the rebirth of the tribe's ceremonial center has resulted in pride and traditional values and vibrant community.
To foster the planning, development, construction, management and operation of safe, decent and healthy housing opportunities for low-income tribal members of Ohkay Owingeh and taking into consideration the importance of our tribal culture and traditions. Moreover, to further embark upon innovations in housing opportunities through entrepreneurial means thus creating revenue streams available to the Pueblo in our quest for self-sufficiency, and a better way of life for our community, now and into the future.
220 Po'pay Avenue