Father Talk is a father-centered parenting skills program that serves men with children 0-5 through Head Start, Early Head Start, and Early Childhood Education centers.
The program is offered in cycles of 6 sessions with an introductory launch event. Each session is a relaxed, enjoyable time for dads to spend with their child, get to know other dads, and learn skills that help them be fully-engaged co-parents. Mothers/co-parents join for 2 of the 6 sessions so the whole family benefits.
Each session begins with a hearty, nutritious dinner. Dads and kids watch an entertaining video story that carries wisdom about fathers and families, then do a fun art project based on the story. During the art project fathers learn the key value of having conversations with their children and practice talking with their children in imaginative new ways. Afterward the children go off with caregivers. The men gather with the REEL FATHERS facilitator, who uses the video story as the initial spark for dialogue about the challenges and rewards of being a father. Each session focuses on a particular parenting issue and related skills. Men learn from each other and give each other encouragement and support. The facilitator shares simple practices that transform relationships.
Father Talk is fully bilingual, including the videos. It's offered Free to the community through the support of local and national foundations and individual donors. Attendance rewards are offered for consistent participation.
We work with fathers, youth and families to build stronger, more vital relationships through a dynamic use of film, story and creative expression.
6 Torneo Court