The landscapes of the San Juan Basin – from high mountain peaks to desert arroyos – are among the most diverse and stunning in the nation. They are also under continuous assault from ill-conceived projects, nefarious land exchange proposals, and non-sustainable and destructive resource management decisions.
The Alliance watchdogs, initiates, monitors, and litigates, stopping bad things from happening while simultaneously working to educate the public and land management agencies on best-practices that have succeeded in reconciling resource use with protection elsewhere.
San Juan Citizens Alliance advocates for clean air, pure water, and healthy lands -- the foundations of resilient communities, ecosystems and economies in the San Juan Basin. In addition to working in both Colorado and New Mexico, we have long-standing partnerships with Navajo Nation advocates as members of the Nation often experience the brunt of climate and health impacts from the overwhelming amount of fossil fuel development in the Four Corners.
PO Box 6655