Through Susan Sandager's series of one-woman shows, "Time with Corrie Ten Boom" Presentations bring to life the legendary Corrie ten Boom, Dutch Holocaust Survivor and Rescuer. Each of the moving dramas recount or reflect on the Ten Boom family's stand with the Jewis people during the darkest days of the Nazi years. Corrie Ten Boom's riveting tale of faith and triumph over evil is a story humanity peads to hear in these challenging times. In addition to her study of Holocaust history, Ms Sandager developed each of these presentations based on her knowledge of the Ten Boom family, interviews of those who knew Miss Ten Boom personally, as well as Miss Ten Boom's own books, writing, and recorded messages. Viewers of these shows are uplifted and deeply moved as Susie gives voice to the life and legacy of Corrie ten Boom.
Sandager Presentations is an outreach partnership of John and Susan Sandager, who seek to promote understanding and foster friendship between Christians and Jews through drama, education, and Biblical teaching for the times in which we live. Always seeking to engage in community collaboration Sandager Presentations largely executes its mission through two suborganizations:
Time With Corrie Ten Boom (dramatizations)
and YAD B'YAD (Hebrew for Hand-in Hand) and through the television show, "Israel in Focus"
8801 Spain Road NE