The Teacher Education Department offers an Associates (AA) Degree in Early Childhood and an AA Degree in Teacher Education. Both of these two-year degrees will go towards getting a Bachelors in Education at a 4-year college or university.
The Department offers an Alternative Licensure Program for prospective teachers who already have a Bachelor's degree in another field. We offer four licenses at Santa Fe Community College (SFCC): Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary and Special Education.
The Department also offers the Early Childhood Development Certificate, a one-year Certificate Program which offers students who do not have an AA degree the opportunity to gain employment in an early childhood center. This Certificate program is offered in both Spanish and English.
Mission Statement
The SFCC Teacher Academy mission is to professionally prepare critically reflective and culturally responsive educators who expect and support the success of each and every student, and to significantly contribute to the quality of education in New Mexico and beyond.
Vision Statement
SFCC Teacher Academy graduates will serve as advocates for social justice and as leaders and change agents for the transformation of education. Our teacher candidates will fully engage in the cultural, political and economic life of our democratic society, and by example, will inspire students, families, school districts, and the communities they serve.
Core Values
Critically Reflective Teaching: Engage in continuous, critical reflection to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
Professionalism: Uphold and demonstrate high ethical, pedagogical, and leadership standards.
Diversity: Respect the uniqueness of each individual and address the diverse needs of each learner.
Collaboration and Community: Engage in professional collaboration with other educators and respect and value the central role of family, community, and culture in the learning process.
6401 Richards Ave.