All Senior Centers are currently closed to the public. Meal services are still available in a drive through format at all centers Monday through Friday, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Meals-on-Wheels is still delivering. Case Management is still available over the phone.
Delivered meals are available to eligible seniors 60+ who qualify. Seniors must be homebound, live inside the city limits, unable to participate in the congregate meal program because of an impairment or lack of transportation (or have a disabled family member in the household), unable to obtain and prepare a nutritious meal and lack a family support system. A Case Manager must determine eligibility. Homebound clients receive a cold breakfast in addition to the noon meal. The suggested donation for Home Delivered Meals or Meals on Wheels is $2.50 for both meals. For more information and to talk to a case manager, please call (575) 528-3000
Food 4 Paws Program: Senior Nutrition helps keep our senior citizens and their pets together by easing the financial impediments to proper pet care. Food 4 Paws is able to provide pet food, veterinary care, grooming and boarding for our homebound client’s pets.