SOMOS' Young Writers Program was founded in 1999 and over the years has expanded from a four-month/year program to a ten-month/year (in 2014) to correspond with the student's academic school year. The YWP offers: 1) one-on-one mentoring, pairing an adult writer with a student, aged 10-19; 2) a biweekly writer group for young writers, with frequent guest writers on a variety of topics - graphic novels, anime, short stories, activism, poetry, memoir; and 3) writers-in-the-schools in which SOMOS provides experiences writing instructors to seven local middle and high schools, as well as a transitional living shelter for teens (13-22) and a drug & alcohol rehabilitation treatment center for Native Americans. The YW's read their work during two auspicious events/year: The Young Writers Night at the Harwood Museum (always a full house) and during April Poetry Month. In the past two years we've collaborated with other community organizations (PASEO, Twirl, Town Library, Dreamtree, Butterfly Ranch, Taos Poetry Festival, to name a few) to enhance our community outreach efforts and to expand our student/adult base.
We support and nurture the literary arts, written and spoken, by providing both place and resources for writers, readers, and learners while honoring the cultural diversity of Taos and the Southwest.
108 Civic Plaza Drive