The Teen Parent Program provides a close-knit family environment for pregnant teens and female teen parents who have the desire to get an education and achieve positive personal goals. We offer a safe, supportive home,where each woman learns the life skills necessary to improve her young family's quality of life and end the cycle of emotional, sexual, physical, substance and child abuse. The Teen Parent Program focuses on these issues involving education, personal goals, parenting skills, child development, self-esteem building, money management, conflict resolution, and nutrition. Furthermore, the program also offers counseling services, emotional support, sewing classes, and other activities. Residents are required to pay program fees, purchase their own food, prepare their own meals, share in the upkeep of the home, and arrange transportation and childcare. Local organizations, agencies and retailers have donated furnishings and suppplies for the TPRC and residents. Residents are required to sign an agreement to follow the rules of the Center. We focus on developing healthy and positive relationships with teens that are ready to move forward with their lives. Since many of the women have had only negative influences in their lives, this caring approach fosters a new awareness of self-worth and responsibility. By reaching a teen mother and her child, we contribute to saving the next generation.