The Supercomputing Challenge is a program encompassing the school year in which teams of students complete science projects using high-performance supercomputers. Each team of up to five students and a sponsoring teacher defines and works on a single computational project of its own choosing. Throughout the program, help and support are given to the teams by their project advisers and the Supercomputing Challenge organizers and sponsors.The Supercomputing Challenge is open to all interested students in grades 6 through 12 on a non-selective basis. The program has no grade point, class enrollment or computer experience prerequisites. Participants come from public, private, parochial and home-based schools in all areas of New Mexico. The important requirement for participating is a real desire to learn about science and computing. Those teams who make significant progress on their projects can enter them in the competition for awards of savings bonds and scholarships for the individuals and computer equipment for the school.Team trophies are also awarded for: Teamwork, Best Written Report, Best Professional Presentation, Electronic Search & Browse, Creativity and Innovation, Environmental Modeling, High Performance, Multimedia and the Judges' Special Award. The Supercomputing Challenge is offered at minimal cost to the participants or the school district. It is sponsored by a partnership of federal laboratories, universities, and businesses.
The Supercomputing Challenge provides a venue for budding scientists, researchers, and engineers to learn computational science skills (modeling or simulations, data collection, visualization, research, and algorithms) applicable to numerous STEM fields. Middle and high school students are introduced to multidisciplinary research skills through a project-based learning framework where they develop and solve problems from description to implementation. The Challenge welcomes all interested students but also makes great efforts to reach young women, minorities, rural populations, and economically disadvantaged youth.
PO Box 91824