Innovation is at the very core of The Hidden Genius Project. Our Immersion Program provides 60 young black male high school students in Oakland with 15-months of intensive support and more than 800 hours of skill training in computer science, software development, entrepreneurship, problem-solving, and design thinking. By serving these youth (and an additional 80 alumni) with experienced and dedicated staff that reflects our youth (all program staff are black males), providing an intensive format, integrating leadership and entrepreneurship, teaching multiple programming languages, and providing holistic and long-term student support services, we are building a game-changing organization that is ultimately transforming the future of our communities.
Immersion Program students engage in twice-weekly meetings including mentorship, technical classes, life skills building, and peer community groups. HGP employs black male teachers and mentors using trauma and healing informed strategies, while empowering young men with the skills they need to not only thrive in the technology sector, but to ultimately become assets in their communities contributing to the health and wellness for all.
In 2012, five local black male entrepreneurs decided that the lack of access and opportunities for young black men within the technology sector must change. They launched The Hidden Genius Project to connect young black males with the skills, mentors, and experiences they need to become successful entrepreneurs and technologists. Our mission is to train and mentor black male youth in technology creation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills to transform their lives.
Today, the Hidden Genius Project has built a transformative organization that has served nearly 6,000 students of color with workshops, events, classes, and the year-round Intensive Immersion Program. The free Immersion Program specifically supports young black male high school students with a community-based and holistic approach in becoming technically skilled, global citizens who can successfully address and solve problems that affect their communities. We not only help address the impacts of systemic racism and poverty, but our mentors also help instill hope, develop family-sustaining skills, and empower young men to leverage their creativity to self-determine – increasing their access to educational opportunities and successful careers – ultimately fulfilling their hidden genius.
2934 Telegraph Avenue