We offer weekly sessions in key programming languages and areas including Scratch, Java, Python, Javascript, and Cybersecurity and include other topics as resources permit such as mobile app development and microcontrollers. We also host special events such as hackathons and support youth projects and internships. Our sessions are hosted across six different locations. Membership and session attendance are free of charge. Families who are interested in attending create an account on our online registration and event notification system which then allows them to request seats at our sessions upon notification of upcoming events. As we offer sessions as different hosts, we do not have a single physical location and families must register first before attending so that we do not exceed seating capacity at our host venues. Mailings should be directed to our mailing address.
TriValley CoderDojo (TriV) is a not-for-profit project of our non-profit fiscal sponsor, Social Good Fund (http://www.socialgoodfund.org), a registered 501c3 entity. TriV provides youth, ages 5-17, FREE technology learning opportunities to help them learn skills relevant to their future success in our digital age. We focus on the development of both technical and soft skills, and we encourage whole family involvement in our family-friendly, inclusive atmosphere.
7033 Village Parkway, #216