Over the last decade Voices for Biodiversity has been working to build a diverse, story-sharing community to bring attention to the importance of biodiversity to sustain all life forms. We have been working at the grass roots level with Indigenous people, youth, women, people of color and others who care passionately about biodiversity to bring their local stories to light and inform the global community. Here's how we work. Staff recruit one or two guest story-gatherers to engage with an underserved community and train them to recruit under-represented local storytellers to help share their biodiversity stories. We work with the storytellers to publish and promote their stories on our website and social media platforms. We also directly connect with local residents through a Community Gathering for Biodiversity, where our storytellers share their experiences and the community participates in discussions about local biodiversity. These local biodiversity stories are shared with our global online communities.In this way, Voices for Biodiversity educatesthe public about diverse issues pertaining to the environment. We are fundamentally a community of individuals, offering support, advice and resources to one another in order to help save diverse life on planet earth.
Voices for Biodiversity’s mission is to build a diverse story-sharing community to save biodiversity.
517 Hondo Seco Rd.