Courts and programs include: Outreach Court, Mental Health Court, Competency Court, Courts to School, Behavioral Health DWI Court, DWI Recovery Court, Community Veterans Court (CVC), Urban Native American Healing to Wellness Court, DV Early Intervention Program, DV Solutions Treatment Education Program (DVSTEP), Probation, and Pre-Adjudication Animal Welfare (P.A.W.) Court.Outreach Court, Mental Health Court, Competency Court, Courts to School, Behavioral Health DWI Court, DWI Recovery Court, Community Veterans Court (CVC), Urban Native American Healing to Wellness Court, DV Early Intervention Program, DV Solutions Treatment Education Program (DVSTEP), Probation, and Pre-Adjudication Animal Welfare (P.A.W.) Court.
Weapons of any kind, pepper sprays, cell phones, electronic recording devices and camera-capable devices are not allowed in the courthouse.