The Oakland Family Resource Center is the center of family strengthening and support for families who are low-income in East Oakland. The FRC offers four core programs to support family stability and self-sufficiency, child health and development, and overall family wellness. The core programs include Resource and Referral; Early Developmental Screening; parent education workshops on child health, development, and wellness; and the evidence-based parent education program Nurturing Parenting. The FRC also offers several special events each year to educate families and the community on early literacy, family wellness, and school readiness. The core programs are grounded in the research-based Strengthening Families Approach, and reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect in at risk families by building the Five Protective Factors: Concrete Support in Times of Need, Parental Resilience, Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development, Social Connections, and Social Emotional Competence of Children.
The mission of Children's Home Society of California is to reach out to children and families at risk with a range of services that ensure every child the opportunity to develop within a safe, healthy, and secure environment.
7200 Bancroft Avenue, Suite 134