The NISN Fellowship is a 2 to 3-year commitment during which participants receive professional development, hands-on experience in school leadership and in the classroom, and coaching in establishing community partnerships. The NISN team works with the Fellow and communities to create a strategic plan and application for opening and operating a new charter or Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) tribally controlled grant school.
The NACA Inspired Schools Network (NISN) is building a movement of students, families, and educators to create excellent schools relevant to the communities they serve. NISN works with fellows who are committed to Indigenous communities to establish schools in New Mexico and throughout the country that will create strong leaders who are academically prepared, secure in their identities, healthy, and ultimately transforming their communities.NISN’s mission is to transform Indigenous education by engaging communities, building networked schools of academic excellence and cultural relevance, and serving students from early learning to adulthood so that they are academically prepared for college, secure in their identity, and healthy.
2301 Mountain Rd. NE