Rio Rancho Creative Crossroads (RRCC) created our GenARTistry program to help local artisans find a way to transform their art/work into a way to gift their comminity. We help them produce art in an easily consumable fashion that can be marketed to collect funds for the cause that is close to their heart. Our first venture is the Squeaky Shoes Project. Stanley and the Squeaky Shoes was written by Rio Rancho author, Debbie Coston, for the sole (no pun intended!--well maybe) of using profits from this publication to purchase new shoes for school age children in Rio Rancho, NM. RRCC helps Debbie market, manage, and administer this project so she can fulfill her dream of making sure every kid who wants them can have a new pair of shoes to start each school year.
Rio Rancho Creative Crossroads' mission is to be a leading regional artistic organization and to be an interactive, collaborative contributor to the cultural life of our community through art and cultural enrichment. Created in response to dwindling budgets for arts programs in our local public-school system, Rio Rancho Creative Crossroads raises awareness about the importance of the arts, offers a variety of opportunities for local youth and adults to participate in the arts, and fosters a love and respect for the arts and a sense of belonging and empowerment within our community.
5033 White Owl Way NE