Nestled among the Rio Grande bosque (river forest) on the Candelaria Nature Preserve, Woodward House provides an ideal environment for hands-on training, educating the public about trees, educating Tree Stewards, and growing seedlings.
Climate-ready tree seedlings are grown to bridge the gap between the need for trees that can survive climate change and the small available supply in New Mexico.
Tree New Mexico holds training workshops for students of all ages, specific groups, the general public, and Tree Stewards. Topics Include: tree and site selection, tree planting and care, tree pruning, trees and beneficial insects, and identifying and addressing tree problems.
We also provide education on the utilization of trees for specific purposes such as live windbreaks, riparian restoration, soil building and carbon sequestration. Tree New Mexico staff, along with experts from State Forestry, City Forestry, Cooperative Extension Service, and local ISA Certified Arborists lead these training opportunities.
Please contact Kelly White at, or visit our website,, for more information.
Tree New Mexico is dedicated to helping communities plant and care for trees in urban settings - large and small - throughout The Land of Enchantment.
3535 Princeton Drive NE, Ste. 101