The Department of Senior Affairs offers two transportation services to provide seniors, age 60 and older, a chance to socialize and have lunch and/or access the medical and non-medical services that will allow them to remain independent.
Our Fixed Route Services provide seniors with transportation to and from designated senior/multigenerational centers and meal sites. With this service, seniors are picked up from their home around 8:30 am, taken to the designated site where they can spend around 4 hours socializing, participating in activities, and having lunch before being driven back to their home. While the service operates Monday through Friday, seniors can choose which days they participate.
Our Itinerant Ride Services allow seniors to call to reserve a ride on one of our ADA-compliant vans to medical and non-medical appointments and activities. Our vans will then pick them up outside their residence at the scheduled time and drive them to their destination. Return trips can be scheduled or, in the case of medical appointments, trips can be open-ended to allow adequate time to spend with their doctor. Seniors can call the reservation line (505-764-6464) starting at 8:00 am with rides scheduled from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm on Monday through Friday. Medical appointments can be reserved 7 weekdays in advance with non-medical rides being reserved three weekdays in advance. Seniors will need the exact address of their destination when they call to reserve their ride as we are unable to provide the address for them.
The Department of Senior Affairs provides activities and opportunities to promote active and healthy aging. We also offer a continuum of care designed to meet individual needs throughout the aging spectrum.
714 7th St SW